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Here you will find all the latest news about DRCMR and the researchers and students working at the centre.

TV host Anne Glad visited DRCMR to find out.
Influence of intrinsic and extrinsic factors and personalized health care (January 2020)
between ISMRM & SMRT Nordic Chapter and DSMMR in Copenhagen
The Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance (DRCMR) at Copenhagen University Hospital Hvidovre (Denmark) invites applications for a 3-year Postdoc position in ultra-high field functional MRI
Changes in Visual Processing as Biomarkers for Parkinson's Disease
Non-invasive Transcranial Brain Stimulation Course is held 25-28 November 2019
Tine Pedersen's PhD defence led to bigger knowledge of perfection
Microscopically tight images of grey matter in the brain might be able to contribute to the development of precision medicine for patients with sclerosis. Currently, researchers are investigating further 
The Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance (DRCMR) at Copenhagen University Hospital Hvidovre (Denmark) invites applications for a postdoc position in ultra-high field functional MRI
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