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PhD Courses

Here you'll find the list of Ph.D courses offered by DRCMR

The DRCMR is organising a yearly Ph.D. course - in September 2014, it was on Neuroanatomy and MRI. Lectures were given by international capacities
Ph.D. Course: Multimodal brain imaging - interfacing neuroimaging and computational methods - held in October 2013
Ph.D. Course on Statistical Parametric mapping (SPM) used for analysis of all kinds of imaging data, e.g. functional and structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI, fMRI) - held in October 2012
Ph.D. Course in Functional and Structural Dimensions of Emotional Processing - held in September 2012
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Karam Sidaros

Tel.: +45 3862 3330
DRCMR, MR-forskning, Afs. 714
Copenhagen Hvidovre Hospital
Kettegard Alle 30
DK-2650 Hvidovre