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Tuesday, 06 December 2022 11:45

Why do some children and adolescents with OCD benefit from cognitive-behavioral therapy while others do not?

DRCMR postdoc Valdemar Funch Uhre was awarded a 3-year postdoctoral scholarship by the Research Fund of the Mental Health Services in the Capital Region of Denmark to continue his research on obsessive-compulsive disorder using longitudinal MRI data collected in close collaboration with the Research Unit at the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Centre. 

Well done, Valdemar!

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Five research projects received funding from The Capital Region of Copenhagen - Research Fund 2023 of the Mental Health Services. The scholarships are awarded to conduct research projects in psychiatry or child and adolescent psychiatry.

You can read more about the five research projects (in Danish) by visiting the homepage: https://www.psykiatri-regionh.dk/presse-og-nyt/Nyheder-og-pressemeddelelser/Sider/Forskningspuljen2023.aspx