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Talk by Professor Jakob Bardram

  • 22 May 2023 |
  • Professor Jakob Bardram |
  • MR Conference Room |
  • Time 9:00 |

On May 22 2023 Professor Jakob Bardram from the Department of Health Technology, DTU, will give a presentation entitled "The Copenhagen Research Platform (CARP) and its Use in Neurology Research".

The talk will be held in the MR Conference room at 9:00.

In this talk, I will present my work on the Copenhagen Research Platform (CARP), which comprises a set of open-source software components and programming frameworks that enables the design and development of mobile and wearable sensing applications for digital phenotyping. I will explain the concept of digital phenotyping and present how CARP can collect digital biomarkers. CARP has an elaborate software architecture, programming API, and software patterns to integrate sensors and devices. CARP is open source, and many of my students here at DTU use it for their projects and help with further maintenance and development. I will present examples from our research in psychiatry and cardiology, but I would like to discuss how CARP can be used in neurology. We have some very early ideas about epilepsy and Parkinson's disease and would like to discuss this with you.