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Sunday, 27 September 2015 01:05

DRCMR participation in the Culture Night October 9th 2015 at the Medical Museion in Copenhagen

The focus of the Culture Night at the Medical Museion will this year be "The raw material of medical science from cadaver to DNA".

The evening will be filled with various activities and presentations, and you can listen to a talk by post doc Nina Linde Reislev from DRCMR, who will give a presentation about the raw material of aging research. DRCMR is collaborating with the Center for Healthy Aging in a project, where MR scanning is used to examine the effect of physical training on the muscles and the brain, focusing on the aging population of Denmark. See more about the activities at the Culture Night at http://www.museion.ku.dk/da/kulturnat-2015/.

The Ageing and Dementia Group at DRCMR has contributed with materials and information to the current exhibition "The brain when we get old", which is on display at the Psychiatry Room at the Medical Museion from October 1st. Further information about the exhibition is available at http://www.museion.ku.dk/da/2015/09/hjernen-naar-vi-bliver-gamle/.