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Tuesday, 31 March 2020 18:16

[EXPIRED] Postdoc position in MRI of Neuronal Currents

Postdoc will be hired to develop MRI of natural neuronal brain currents

Following a donation from the Lundbeck Foundation, a two-year Postdoc position focused on development of Magnetic Resonance Imaging of natural neuronal brain currents is offered. The Postdoc will be the daily responsible for the project, and will design, plan and conduct experiments giving the best chance of success. These may include both MRI, EEG and brain stimulation methods.

The work will be performed in close collaboration with experienced researchers in the fields of MR physics, MR current density imaging, brain stimulation and neurophysiology of activation, particularly Assoc. Profs. Axel Thielscher and Lars G. Hanson.

MRCDIfigure simple LGHANFor more information, please visit: